Consumers are looking to add character and charm to their homes in unique ways without breaking the bank. Although many reality television shows lead you to believe that reclaim wood is inexpensive (sometimes it is), more often than not, reclaim comes with a premium price tag.

Isn’t the wood free? Sometimes it is. Even in those cases, the labor to disassemble, de-nail, sort and stack is not free. Then there are loading/unloading fees and transportation costs to consider. Once the wood is received at the mill it needs to be processed into tongue and groove, which add expense as well. Milling reclaimed wood also comes with the added risk of encountering metal during the machining process. Even the best metal detection equipment can miss bolts, or nails buried into the wood. Cutting into a hidden nail or bolt can wreak havoc on the manufacturing equipment resulting repairs and downtime. All of these factors play a role in the final price consumers pay.

The Tongue & Groove - Old Shack Road

Our reclaim-inspired tongue and groove planking fills this gap. We offer affordable barnwood-style options, perfect for walls and ceilings. We also have a variety of rough-sawn, reclaim style flooring to choose from. Prices in our barnwood collection range from $1.79/sq ft to $9.29/sq ft and buyers have the option of purchasing unfinished or prefinished products. For more information on our reclaim style planking visit products page and click on Ceiling & Wall Paneling/Rough Cut Barnwood.