The Tongue & Groove - MADEINUSA6.29picMy favorite time of the year is upon us, Fourth of July. The flags are waving in the summer breeze, the sun is shining and we actually take a little time to slow down and celebrate our freedom as Americans. I’m proud to be an American and am thankful for the brave men and women who have defended this great country. As America gets ready to celebrate another year of Independence, we salute her by continuing to manufacture our products right here in the USA.

In a way, that is a weird statement for me to make. Of course it’s made in the USA, it’s made in…the back. Yes, it’s finished here too. It’s second nature to me, but many of our customers are wondering, where does our wood come from, where is it processed and where is it finished.

Our wood is locally sourced. Locally grown species such as birch and ash are harvested from a nearby sawmill. Other species are harvested from around the United States and trucked in. In a few rare instances, we’ve done some processing of exotic species but our bread and butter is the stuff that grows in the backyard.

All the manufacturing and finishing takes place in our shop in Duluth, MN. We put the time and effort into making sure our end product is better quality than what our customer expects to receive. Our machine operators calibrate their equipment three places past the decimal to ensure a proper fit. Our employees take pride in their work and we’re collectively proud to be a thriving manufacturing facility in today’s economy. We’re made in the USA and darn proud of it!