All About Engineered

Wood floors are a great addition to your home, which will add beauty and value. With proper installation, it can be nearly impossible to distinguish an engineered floor from a true solid hardwood floor. Because engineered flooring was originally designed to go directly over concrete. Most types of engineered flooring can be glued or floated [...]

3 Season Porch

MN autumn nights are met with warm apple cider and crackling fires and S'MORES, can’t forget the S'MORES! As the weather turns colder, we start seeking shelter inward and what better place to do so than a 3 Season Porch. These relaxing retreats offer shade from the hot sun and protection from the monstrous Minnesota [...]

Rustic Modern Design

We get a lot of customers looking for reclaim style barnwood, yet at the same time are hesitant for fear of ending up with something that is “too” rustic. Incorporating different textures such as reclaim style wood, glass, chrome or iron finishes, and modern light fixtures is a way to strike the right chord between [...]

We Offer Shipping!

Not a day goes by that I don’t get a call from someone wondering if we can ship to them. The easy answer is, YES! We’ve shipped all over the country even as far as Alaska.In the last six months alone we’ve shipped to 15 different states. Wondering what to expect when it comes to [...]

Knotty Wood

They say what goes around, comes around. We’re finding this to be true when it comes to traditional T&G planking. More and more of our customers are gravitating toward tried and true classics like Knotty Pine and Knotty/Rustic grade cedar. There are a few different theories behind what is driving this trend. Some designers have [...]

Light Wood Vs. Dark Wood

Our customers often struggle on whether to choose a light or a dark wood. The decision on tone of the wood should be can be a difficult choice. When deciding between light consider the overall design of the space. Dark wood paired with dark walls may leave the room feeling dark and dingy. Light walls [...]